Episode 128 - MBSing with Arnie Niekamp - 'Hard to Recommend' TV

From the podcast

Arnie Niekamp wants you to watch television shows he likes, but he's apprehensive about blanket recommendations of inconsistent shows. Some of his favorite television is wrapped up in shows that have ups and downs (Fringe, Twin Peaks, X-Files...), and we all know how hard it is to get into a new show that starts slow AND how hard it is to turn one's back on an old favorite. We explore episodic TV vs. serial stories, how hard it is to make a good sitcom pilot (or hell, first season), and the merits of rebooting shows that have been off the air for ages. We also peel back how TV and Arnie's inability to give up on it has seeped into his work on Hello From the Magic Tavern thus far.

Thanks to Field Notes Brand for sponsoring and The Chicago Podcast Cooperative for their support and community.

Arnie's appearance on Your Stories.