Episode 196 - MBSing with Nico Carter - Breath

From the podcast

In. Out. Repeat. while listening to this great conversation with Nico Carter, the host encourages you to center yourself, breathe, and soft focus on what's around you. Nico starts by elaborating on the lung issues that befell him to make him more aware of his own breath in the first place, then takes MBS on a journey through the awareness that breath has given him in improv (musically, comedically, and where acting and writing are concerned) and day to day life. From Eckhart Tolle to Thích Nhất Hạnh, this is a fun and interesting theoretical and philosophical exploration of breath and art you will not soon forget.

Thanks to Nico's [and my sometimes] employer Cards Against Humanity for sponsoring and the Chicago Podcast Cooperative for the coordination of sponsors etc.