Episode 249 - MBSing with Meredith Stepien - Jane Austen

From the podcast

Meredith discovered the world of Jane Austen's novels in college and has since reread them many times over in addition to listening to them as audiobooks and rewatching the film/TV adaptations (at least the ones she likes). There is something to the simplicity of daily life, the rules that governed socializing, and the fashion and furnishings of the era that Meredith finds herself constantly drawn to and daydreaming about, so much so that she has ventured into writing her own as-yet-unfinished Austen-style novel. 

Meredith's most recent production with Team StarKid, Firebringer
Thanks to the Chicago Podcast Cooperative for their support and Overcast, MBS's podcast player of choice, for sponsoring this episode.